~~by April Mack

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Great Expectations

"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath
 prepared for them that love him." 
I Corinthians 2:9

There have been times that I have had great expectations. I counted the days to my wedding. I've anxiously awaited the birth of each of my children. I've eagerly looked forward to vacations, get-aways and retreats. Mission trips have been bathed in prayer and we've made each of them with great expectation that God would do something miraculous. In those mission trips we have experienced the million people gathering in Manila Park in the Philippines, with thousands coming to know Christ. Orphanages have been opened, Ladies Conferences held in the Middle East, clothes purchased for children living  in the slum in Africa, medical clinics, feeding programs, sports programs, preaching and singing in public schools in places like Romania and Kenya. I have personally witnessed these miracles with my own eyes.  We embarked on these adventures with great expectations, but God exceeded anything we could have ever imagined or thought.

Christmas is a special time at the home of my mom and dad. The opening of gifts is not pandemonium as I expect it is in some homes. All of the family find their seat (we turn chairs around, grandkids pile on ottomans and in Nana's lap or sit at a parent or Aunt's feet), the Christmas gifts are passed out. But, before anyone opens a gift, we share audible gifts with one another. We speak blessings into each other's lives and tell how each one is special. Each year is different as the battles for the different families are marked by the time and the testimonies are reflective of how we've encouraged one another and loved unconditionally through the hard times. We cry over the losses and rejoice over the victories. We share our testimonies of personal salvation and express our gratitude to the One who has blessed us with all things. After we've read the Christmas story from the Bible and had prayer, the youngest in the family begins to open their gifts one at a time, with a hug after each one. All attention is given to the person opening their gifts. This is our family tradition, and as large as the family has become, it takes a good bit of time to experience the gift giving. We do not usually buy lavish gifts, it is a time to provide some of the needs that we have. A few years ago, my sister received a sewing machine, per her request. I've received pots and pans or a new purse or a robe. Of course, I'm thankful for these things and happy to have something new, but sadly, there are many years that I wouldn't be able to tell you what I received. But, I will never forget the Christmas of 1998.

I  had joked for several years that I would like to have a mink coat. I would occasionally come into contact with a very attractive lady that would be wearing her full length mink coat. I thought she looked so classy. For several years, when my Dad would ask me what I wanted for Christmas or a birthday or anytime I could randomly throw it in, I would reply that I wanted a mink coat. It was a preposterous answer. I had never been to a furrier, I had never even tried on a lavish fur. I said it in jest, never dreaming that I would have a mink coat of my own.  In 1998, things were tight for Roy and me. All of the Christmas gifts that we gave to extended family were homemade gifts. It was a stretch to buy the four girls the things that they wanted and needed for Christmas. When we celebrated Christmas with my parents, sister and her family, I was so completely surprised to find that my Daddy had gone on his own and purchased me a beautiful mink coat. I must say that it was beyond anything I could have imagined or thought. I was surprised beyond words and amazed that my Daddy would buy me something so outlandish. I will probably never know the joy that Daddy had as he did something for me that was so unexpected. A young wife and mom that had nothing lavish, nothing excessive and all of a sudden, I had a mink coat. I felt special and rich.

I am so thankful for the promise of II Corinthians 2:9. There are times in our lives that we almost have no hope because we cannot figure out how a situation is going to work out.  We cannot even imagine that something will be good again, or that there will be a recovery. There are times that we don't even know how to pray because we don't even know what the answer should be. Times when we feel as though we have nothing lavish or any excess. Our Father has MORE THAN ENOUGH. He became poor that we might become rich. When we don't think we have enough, when we don't know how we will make it through, He wraps us in the clothes of His Righteousness and reminds us that we are very special.  Eye hath not seen and I've not even had it enter into my heart what God is preparing for me. I can be assured that there are wonderful things in my future. God is planning things for me right now that will be a wonderful surprise, no one has seen or heard or even had it enter into their heart all of the things that God has planned for me. I'm so thankful that God is the one that is planning my life. Someone that knows me, understands me and has my best interest in mind... all for His glory.

Enjoy this Christmas season and look forward to 2011... God has some amazing things planned for you!

1 comment:

  1. April, thank you for sharing this sweet story and profound words! Love to you and yours. Happy New Year!
