~~by April Mack

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Interview with Kathi Macias - Author of "Deliver Me From Evil"

Deliver Me from Evil introduces readers to Mara, an eighteen-year-old girl who has been enslaved for nearly ten years, having been sold by her parents in Mexico and then smuggled across the border into San Diego where she was forced into sexual slavery. Readers will also meet 18-year-old, Bible-college-bound Jonathan and his 16-year-old sister, Leah, whose paths cross Mara’s and who become involved in her dramatic rescue.
Interwoven between the stories of Mara, Jonathan, and Leah is the heartbreaking story of another young woman in captivity in the Golden Triangle of Thailand, whose past life mysteriously connects to the young people in San Diego.
How did you come up with the idea for Deliver Me From Evil and the Freedom series?
It actually came out of a phone conversation with Andrea Mullins, the publisher at New Hope. We were discussing the Extreme Devotion series (about the persecuted Church), which I was still working on at the time, and we began to consider topics for a second series. Andrea was the one who suggested human trafficking, and it really struck a chord with me. The more I researched it and worked on the proposal, the more excited I became about joining forces with others working to abolish modern-day slavery, which is exactly what human trafficking is.
What was your favorite scene to write in Deliver Me From Evil?
This book/series has been the most difficult I’ve ever written, simply because the subject matter is so dark and heavy. More than once I had to walk away and clear my thoughts before moving on from one scene to another. But interspersed between the heartache and tragedy are several lighter scenes (written and incorporated into the book out of necessity), dealing with a pastor’s family and their Bible college-bound son who inadvertently discovers the human trafficking ring and becomes involved in the heroic and dramatic rescue attempt. Any scenes revolving around the absolutely functional and loving life of the Flannery family are my favorites.
What was the most difficult scene, and why?
There were many difficult scenes in this book due to the subject matter, but the hardest had to be when the main character, 18-year-old Mara, realizes that one of the younger girls is being tortured and killed in an effort to extract information and punish her. Though the actual violence is done offstage, Mara experiences each blow and muffled scream, as does the reader.
Did you always know you wanted to be a writer? If not, how did you catch the writing bug?
Oh yes, I never wanted to be anything else. From the time I discovered the power and allure of words, I was hooked! I was an avid reader before I started kindergarten. A short story I wrote in the third grade was turned into a play for the entire PTA, and I won all sorts of awards for poetry in high school. I even told my then boyfriend (now husband) Al when we were in our early teens that I was going to be a writer one day.
How do you go about writing your fiction books? Which comes first for you, plot, characters, and/or theme?
I usually get what I call “a niggling in my soul,” which eventually emerges into the very basic theme of the book. I hate outlining and writing proposals because I do NOT develop plots or even characters ahead of time. I start with a couple of main characters, a starting and ending point for my story, and just let the rest unfold as I go. I know. We’re not supposed to do it that way, but it works for me, and I so enjoy the surprises as the story develops and my characters take over. So much fun! So long as they don’t try to lead me away from my pre-determined ending. Then I have to reign them back in a bit.
How do you get your ideas for your books?
I have ideas coming out of my ears! I am a seriously addictive idea person. You want ideas? You can have my overflow! My challenge is to figure out which ones are worth pursuing. Not every cute or fun or even meaningful idea that pops into our head is meant to be a book. I pray, think, study, bounce them off people, etc., before committing to moving ahead with one of them. For the most part, however, nearly all my book ideas are, to one degree or another, born out of some moral or social issue that I care about.
How can we find out more about you, The Freedom Series, and other books you are writing?
Please visit my website at KathiMacias.com.

Kathi Macias
Kathi Macias is an inspirational speaker who motivates her listeners to draw into a closer walk with Jesus. Her humor, wit and story-telling will have you laughing, contemplating, and crying, all within a matter of minutes. Her truthfulness and transparency as she tells of her life adventures causes her audience to desire to be real about their spiritual journey. They better learn to draw their strength from the Lord, as Kathi continues to encourage them to walk close to Him. Having heard her speak at both one-day events and weekend retreats, I can honestly say she leaves everyone wanting to hear more…” ~ JoAnne Provost, Women’s Ministries, Nuevo Community Church
Kathi Macias is a multi-award winning writer who has authored nearly 30 books and ghostwritten several others. A former newspaper columnist and string reporter, Kathi has taught creative and business writing in various venues and has been a guest on many radio and television programs. Kathi is a popular speaker at churches, women’s clubs and retreats, and writers’ conferences. She won the prestigious 2008 member of the year award from AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) at the annual Golden Scrolls award banquet. Kathi “Easy Writer” Macias lives in Homeland, CA, with her husband, Al, where the two of them spend their free time riding their Harley.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Mom's Checklist for the New School Year

It is hard to believe that our summer is over so soon. Our county does start school quite early, August 1st. It is a time for new beginnings for my girls, Amelia in 10th grade and Alivia in 8th. It is also a time for me to get back on track in some areas as a Mom. As much as I dread getting back into the routine of the "school schedule", there is something that I love about starting over and new beginnings. Getting to bed early, new clothes for the girls, new notebooks and binders, new routines. As a God-fearing Mom that is not about to stand by and allow Satan to get my kids (you know that that is his goal), there are some very important things that need to be included in our routine.

  • Start the day with prayer. Before my girls went out the door this morning, I prayed with them and for them. I prayed that they would be a blessing to the people that they are around today, that they would have a mind for learning and that they would sense the Lord's presence with them all through the day. God is with them, but it is a good thing for them to be reminded that He is with them all throughout the day.
  • Expect Excellence. I want my girls to be the best that they can be, not anything more, but diligent in giving their best in all their task.
  • Great Attitude.  My husband and I often tell the girls that their teachers will not likely remember who gets the best grades in their class, but they will remember the kid with the best attitude.
  • Love One Another - Home is the Fortress, the Safe Place. Other people may be unkind, they may beat us down, belittle us, make us feel second rate. Home is the safe place, the place that we get encouraged and are loved unconditionally. Home is not the place for belittling or being rude.
There are many things that are important that should be included in this "New School Year". You can assess what is best for your family. I encourage you to give it some thought and most importantly, spend time with God. We all need our armour on (Ephesians 6) to fight off the Devil.

Make it a great 2011-2012 School Year!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Your Unique Design - Accepting Who You Are

I often think about Eve. The woman that God created to be the help meet to Adam, I believe, his soul-mate and his partner. I think about how beautiful and perfect that she must have been, for God to have so carefully formed her, breathe life into her. No doubt, everything was just the right size (whatever that is), her skin the perfect shade, no wrinkles, cellulite or grey hair. But really? Did God not take the same amount of care to create me? to create you as well? I have come to the realization, as of late, that there is nothing about me that is an accident. Not one part of my DNA is an uh-oh. From the size of my feet, to my thick blond hair, my sensitive (I cry easily) nature, my personality, my gifts, my talents, my one-of-a-kind me. God formed me, oh so carefully, just as He did Eve. He knew all the things that I would need to fulfill His plan for my life and He created me with that plan in mind. I can praise Him and proclaim... "I am fearfully and wonderfully made". God knew me before the beginning of time, and breathed life into me.

God knew you as well. You were not an accident, you were not happenstance. You were CREATED by the great Creator. As Robert Lewis said, "You are not just a finely tuned machine, you are the special artistic creation of the CREATOR Himself." Be thankful today for the way that God made you. Seek to find His purpose for your life.

Psalm 139:13-18
For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.  My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.  Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.  How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!  If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.

Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee...

Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


"When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand."  ~Henri Nouwen

There are some that would love to give their solutions and their advice, but, there are those that come into our life that make us laugh, lend a hand and most of all relate to what we feel. These friends share our pain. They cry when we cry, mourn over our losses and rejoice in our victories. The silence is not awkward, although, with my real friends there is not a lot of silence. My dearest friends and I do not get to spend that much time together, and when we do... the talking is non-stop (usually until the wee hours of the morning). Most of my dearest friends are spread across the nation;  from California, Nevada, Kentucky, Texas to Florida. I have friends in Romania, Kenya, Morocco, Iran and England. Most of my friends are in the ministry and understand the loneliness that occasionally comes with being a Pastor's Wife.

"Friendship is unnecessary, it has no survival value; but it's one of those things that gives value to survival" ~ C.S. Lewis